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Prose and Responses


The Son of Man

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Here's the Prose and Responses I Promised You
Sometimes I feel like writer and sometimes I don't, so don't get any ideas about bolstering my simple literary skills.


The Art of Expository Writing

My English teacher explained that when we write we make use of our senses to express our thoughts, these five senses are auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, and visual. And writing is a thought process and when your thoughts are conveyed in your writing, the writing must be clear and concise enough to be understood.

These thoughts are just a reflection of my miniscule awareness of life.


Howling winds, icy slippery surfaces, limbs frigidly frozen to numbness from colder temperatures exist for a reason.

Although there can never be faithful fondness in my heart to experience more of the awakening of this titillating season.

Winter controls the environment of the planet by nurturing and enhancing the activity of the earth without treason.

Like symbiosis nature coexist with colder temperatures and moisture ascends repeatedly into the earth's stratosphere.

All is well with the universe winter assures me as she teaches me to have patience in the midst of a ferocious fear.


We are encouraged instinctively to live beyond the dream when we eradicate ignorance in the face of adversity.

We know altruistically--pass it on, that an intelligent mind when used wisely to elicit positive change is not a travesty.

We live each day condoning humanity's right to exercise free will, which enables us to live as a community in harmony.

We know no sacrifice is too great when the intent is to make our world more peaceful and see humans live in dignity.

We live for the momentous occasion when all of humankind will understand the necessity to be one with our highest Deity.


Mild mannered Mother Nature stealthily ushers in resplendent fall today.
Summer content with seasonal happiness leaves expeditiously on its way.
Fall transforms most green botanicals into different golden shades of life.
Foliage candidly presents breath-taking views faring frostbite without strife.
Dewdrops sprinkle the cold ground into a misty covered carpet of wetness.
Its time to harvest the leftover ripe fruitful bounty with regret yet success.
There won't be another occasion to sow seeds until the bulb's rebirth in spring.
Reflections remind me to cherish permanence in life and with hope to it cling.

Summer At It's Best

Bounteous, beauteous, beatific sumptuous, sunny, summer is live and here with us again.
Time to don cutoff shorts, T-shirt, ball cap, and cool sunglasses as you attempt to fain.
The warm blistering heat yet be smartly attired for an intermittent cool welcomed sprinkling rain.
Comfort comes while digesting a red seeded slice of delicious ice cold firm watermelon thats plain.
Or while guzzling down fluids like drinking nectar while salivating straight from a water pipe main.
Leisure activities include a good workout at the gym--your motto no pain, most certainly no gain.
Going to reunions, birthday parties, weddings as you have fun dancing flanked in a line or shuffling in a train.
So welcome summer the season most likely to elicit memorable calm emotions in my feverish brain.


Wandering aimlessly amid the honeysuckle, hyacinth and roses in the garden today.
A mesh of floral nature stood steadfastly, sinuously concocting a fragrance in May.
These floral visions invited me to gaze with amusement on the serenity of their display.
My heart skipped a beat the closer my steps softly sauntered near the pristine array.


This time of year reminds me of being in my most sacred, cherished, leisure place.
I found sanctuary high up in a Chinaberry Tree in this quite natural serendipitous space.
A surrounding fence kept me within distance of the little house on Sunbeam like lace.
Occasionally from an invisible presence I could hear a familiar voice shout aloud with grace.
Stay out of the garden playing that stickball boys or you'll have to come see me face-to-face.

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